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Tomographic Code
For performing the forward or adjoint Radon transform.
- Matlab radon() and iradon(). 2D only; can't use arbitrary sets of angles. Fast C/MEX code, but the operators are mismatched (pixel-based forward operator and ray-based adjoint operator), which introduces artificial high frequency noise.
- Potts nonuniform FFT. The nonuniform FFT is more general than the Radon transform, but the Fourier Slice Theorem can be used to convert the tomographic problem into a NUFFT. The curse of dimensionality imposes a memory limitation on 3D or 4D implementations, and there can be new artifacts due to the Fourier domain interpolation kernel.
- Jeff Fessler's Image reconstruction toolbox (U Michigan). Excellent Radon transform and NUFFT code, mostly 2D and some 3D.
- Peter Toft's PhD thesis and programs. Pretty decent code, but I couldn't get it working under Windows.
EPR Imaging Research Groups
There are only a relatively small number of EPRI research groups. Sorry if I missed anyone. Alphabetical order.
Conferences and societies.